Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Where You Can Find the Most Expensive Colleges and Universities

Where You Can Find the Most Expensive Colleges and Universities
There are a lot of expensive colleges and universities in this country, but as I’ve mentioned many times before on my college blog, the sticker price is meaningless.
The only figure that matters is the college’s net price. This is the price you get after any grants (free money) that you receive from a school are subtracted from the sticker price.
The vast majority of schools in this country discount their price. And you certainly don’t have to be an “A” student to qualify! At private colleges and universities, for instance, about 88% of students have received some type of grant.
You can start doing your own research on colleges and their net prices by visiting the College Affordability and Transparency Center, which the U.S. Department of Education launched last year.
On the site you can research the financial aid practices of individual schools by checking out average net prices in different income ranges, as well other valuable information such as a school’s graduation rates, freshmen retention rates and college major offerings. To get start just hit the button on the site that looks like this:

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