Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Most Expensive Universities in California

If you’re studying in any of these five universities in California, then you must be one filthy rich stud. But you certainly need more than cheap college text books to get through your classes and come out of them in one piece, since not only these universities share the pedestal of being the most expensive universities in the state in terms of annual tuition fee but they are also notable in terms of their academic and social contributions.
According to data provided by CNN Money’s College Cost Finder, here are the five most expensive universities in the State of California.
1. University of Southern California
Located in Los Angeles, CA, the University of Southern California has an annual tuition fee of $35,212. On top of that, room and boarding would cost as much as $10,858 and internal fees could cost up to $718.
2. Stanford University
Stanford University in Stanford, CA, has an annual tuition fee of up to $34,800, with room and boarding fee costing up to 10,808.
3. Santa Clara University
Studying at Santa Clara University would require you to prepare at least $33,000 for the annual tuition fee. This does not include the $10,644 fee for your room and boarding.
4. University of San Diego
The University of San Diego is the 4th most expensive university in California with at least  $32,300 annual tuition fee. Other fees might reach up to $264 while board and lodging cost $10,960.
5. Chapman University
Located in Orange, CA, Chapman University has an annual tuition fee of $31,700, $908 internal fees, and up to $11,880 for room and boarding.

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